Al Fajar Stainless Steel Dual Time Watch, with Azan, Qibla Prayer Alarm Hijri Calender
Azan times for most cities around the world with Qibla direction.
Time can be display in 12 hours (AM/PM) or 24 hours, Automatic Daylight saving time option.
Hijri and Gregorian calendar with day week.
Two languages (English and Arabic).
Water resistant(waterproof).
Automatic Qibla direction.
Show on your own name.
Daily alarms.
Moon age.
DST(Daylight Save Time)
Material : Stainless Steel
Frame Material: Wood |
Seat Material: Wood |
Adjustable Height: No |
Seat Style: Saddle |
Distressed: No |
Custom Made: No |
Number of Items Included: 1 |
Folding: No |
Stackable: No |
Cushions Included: No |
Arms Included: No |
Legs Included: Yes |
Footrest Included: Yes |
Casters Included: No |
Nailhead Trim: No |
Weight Capacity: 225 Kilogramm |
Commercial Use: No |
Country of Manufacture: Vietnam |